Building a Better Slice of Toast For Tomorrow ...morning


Updating the Updates

Well the backlogs of updates have finally been flushed out. After linking all the posts below, I realized just how boring I have become. The posts below all talk about either 1) cars, 2) robots, 3) my completely offensive and overbearing beliefs, or 4) some complex permutation of the first three (example: my strict belief that everyone should experience robo-road head at some point in their life)

Why The Slow Down?
My company decided to start "monitoring" everyone's internet traffic to make sure we are using it according to our company policy. This is kind of a big deal when there are only about 30 people in your company using the internet. So not only can I not draft and post to my blog, I can't respond to comments on other people's blogs. So drafting has become a practice of typing notes into my PDA while waiting in line for lunch (it really is amazing at the difference in quality of posts when drafting on a monitor than to drafting on 2.5"x 2.5" screen). I have set up an "email post" address..but I haven't had the time to QA the process.

Blame Laura.
This deluge of back updates was somewhat of kick in the pants from her. (girl impersonating voice) "WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED YOUR BLOG?! What the hell else am I going to read at work...the NEWS?" I thought about it for a while and I concurred...I get giddy as a school girl when my RSS reader shows me one of your guys's blogs have been updated.

Now that I'm all caught up, you can only yell at me for not having anything interesting to write about. In case you've missed em, here they are:

Moving on......moving on.
Carder.rr.rock climing.
Mechanical Engineering in D.C.: A Job Seekers Guide
Talk to people and they talk back? You lost me.
Daylight savings time sucks ass...
Ryan is Dr. Frankenstien
Club a Baby Seal Robot
2005 Edition of Getting To Know Your Friends
Uh sis found my blog....
"Who Are The Ad Wizards Who Came Up With This One:"
Yet another nail in the Dork Coffin
Stunted Blog Growth
Trust No One.
Fuck you ID3 Tags...
SWM Seeks SWF.
And The Winner is.... [Part 2]
And The Winner is.... [Part 1]
Time Magazine's Man of The Year: GOD
Christmas Puzzles
I Got Aural* While Driving My Brothers Alfa Romeo
A Taste of Italy
OK, Fess Up

And I deleted 11 drafts along the way. Damn, Diemos.


Blogger scalpystraz said...

Let me just say...IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! And you're welcome ;c)

6/5/05 9:53 AM

Blogger pasq242 said...

Ah, why'd you delete all those drafts??? I was surprised to hear you use that feature so heavily. I don't make drafts at all; half-baked thoughts are what blogs are all about. I also like sneaking in revisionist-history-style changes; it's like Easter eggs for the bored.

10/5/05 10:03 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Drafts are uber important. This is where Ali's Next Great American Novel lives.

10/5/05 6:12 PM

Blogger Chief Jimbo said...

It's funny. Drafts are the buffer of calling out my own bullshit. The things I deleted were either 1)Essays of current events that have since "expired" in terms of making interesting points or 2) Questions to life I have answered since initial drafting.

Drafting helps out a lot in just transcribing my thoughts into one place then seeing if it is coherent and logical.

I guess I just take it too seriously :-p but it has been sort of a replacement to my old website.

10/5/05 10:41 PM


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