Daylight savings time sucks ass...
...but I wouldn't know. My weekend seemed to absorb it rather well. Weekend times are only measured by how long until the store or bar closes. So instead of the standard "Oh fuck, I'm losing an hour of sleep" thing, I was more like "Oh fuck, Different Strokes, usually aired at 2am Sunday morning, won't be playing this weekend."
As I laid in bed, I thought to myself "Welcome to my world, rest of the world" and didn't sleep.
"I am Jamie's smirking antipathy."
Lucky for me, Arizona is free of such bullshit anarchy. Daylight savings? What is that?
7/4/05 3:00 PM
It's crazy. Congress is lobbying to extend daylight savings time by 2 months. I always thought it was put in place for those crazy farmers, but the new initiative is to conserve energy costs by making the most use out of daylight.
10/4/05 7:48 PM
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