Building a Better Slice of Toast For Tomorrow ...morning



After reading this article from the NY Times (registration required), I was left with a certain distaste in my mouth. That feeling you get when you come across a person who is so actively closed-minded that you actually want to throw up on the person. SO I figured I should throw my two cents in the mix.

The new debate on creationism (and it's gangly half-brother Intelligent Design) versus evolution has reached MONUMENTOUS levels of cultural clash that it received an entire week's worth of coverage by The Daily Show, the absolute Last Word in Journalism. A Gallup poll shows that 54% of Americans believe that we didn't evolve from previous species. But I can't help thinking that throughout this entire discussion, we've missed something. We've covered that whole "A higher power created us" thing and the "no one 'created' us" deal but we haven't covered the "I created us" side of the arguement. Scienctists push their idea of answering questions through theory and understanding of our natural world independant of god, creationists push their idea that god created man, but I am here to push on to you, the reader, that I am God and your existence is simply a result of a randomized algorithm for what I call my own experience. You may think you are alive, but you are simply a byproduct of thought processes of my subconscience, which in its self exists to keep me entertained by keeping me guessing. "A brain can't do that" well, I haven't seen my brain, in fact, I haven't even seen myself except for in a "mirror" so how can I be sure these aren't creations of my subsconscience? "Who created you?" Who created God? "But we are a figment of your imagination, your experience, then you are in fact, the creator, and therefore espousing to creationism, albeit a sick and twisted version of it" Well, I guess you could say that, but kids these days should be exposed to differing opinions, right? You could fairly say the same thing, that you are God and I exist only in your own experience.

Teaching evolution in high school biology just seems to me... consistent. Once you mix creators/designers/hair dressers in there, the biology class is knocked off course into theology and into what's worse (that I've shown here), philosophy.


Blogger pasq242 said...

Jamie as God? Shit, I'd be okay with that; that's better universe managment than I expected. I like to think of myself as a NPC in Jamie's game of life.

23/9/05 8:34 AM


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