How conversations degenerate
An email conversation with Drew, my blond haired arch-rival and nemisis.
Drew: Yea, they're building some vestibule between buildings.
Me: Vestibule? What, we're going to have a physics altar between buildings now?
Me: Well crap...looks like I was completely wrong on that definition (I used to work at a church when I was a kid)....and by completely wrong, I mean now I'm thinking you guys are installing definition 1.c from this:
Drew: Man, who knew about 1.c. You were an altar boy? That explains a few things.
Me: No no. I was a secretary in the front office.
Drew: How'd you get that gig?
Me: They saw my genetic predisposition for paperwork...or may be it was to fulfill some kind of scripture.
(accusations fly of me sleeping with the staff)
Me: No no, my official title was Master Sensai and the priests always brought me the heads of the non-believers. Who knew you could behead someone just by reciting a few lines of the bible backwards.
Drew: Well, I don't have my Ninja to English translation book on me today, but I think I remember Sensai means "suckysucky", well congrats on achieving Master status in that arena, but ummm, most people wouldn't brag about that. Plus, I thought you trained "under" Master Baiter.
Me: Well you thought wrong brutha! In the Ninja to Catholic translation part of the bible, Sensai means "kicker of unholy ass" and "chewer of divine bubble gum" Then the church went all Religious Right on me and asked me to leave, saying that going around cutting off hippie's heads in the middle of the night with my band of priests wasn't part of their whole "culture of life" thing...Lamers.
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