Building a Better Slice of Toast For Tomorrow ...morning



It's not dead....just resting. Now I will show you who what kind of a man you all are gathering behind:

Pronounciation: Warren, Owen, Woron, Waan, Waan-Waan-AssWaan, waan, ing,Wayne, One, Juan, Vaughn, Loren, Lauren, Tracy
Etymology: Estonian Whoren - tasty flesh, from old german Warrund - Baby Eating Monster.
1. chiefly British: a place legally authorized for keeping small game (as hare or pheasant)
2. an area where rabbits breed.
3. a maze of passage ways or cubbies
4. a. a city in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. b. A county in Ohio, U.S.A.
5. a. a North Carolina, U.S.A. based manufacturer of automotive engine lubricants. b. Warren Oil.
6. a. a Minnesota, U.S.A. based manufacturer of wood. b. Warren Wood
7. a a dam in the Nile River, Egypt to control area flooding. b. Aswan High Dam.
8. A style of mustache worn in during the civil war.
9. A lone gunman born in the arctic slowly making his way towards America determined to shoot you in your fucking face when you aren't looking...through your face...and stuff.


Blogger Waan said...

Your mom came over last night and usurped my blog. Then she reprised her small but significant role in "Airplane". It was hot.

Kudos, you son of a bitch, for assembling a Voltron-esqe amalgam of the many bizarre mispronunciations, mischaracterizations, and abortions performed on or in the name of this particular Roebeast. I particularly enjoy the thought of my manly oil adding to the lifespan of the typical car engine.

For the sake of completeness, I'd like to add the following to your list: Wayne, One, Juan, Vaughn, Loren, Lauren, and Tracy. Je m'appelle WARREN et je merde sur tes tetes.

16/9/05 8:37 PM


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