A Debate: Christmas Sprawl
Other people my age have told me my observation is wrong, but it has seemed to me that stores keep pushing forward the date in which they bust out their Christmas decorations. I saw many stores start selling Holiday type paraphenalia after the "Back To School" rush. September people? Come on.
To me, it seems almost like watering down the spirit of the holiday. I am no marketer, but this is how the Christmas Equation works.
- Holiday spirit creates a warm fuzzy for most people
- People are more willing to buy things when they are happy
- People want to get Holiday shopping out of the way early
- Ergo, push the warm fuzzy earlier and in increments to get people to spend more and shop earlier
But on the non-material side of the house, this incremental approach of Christmas imagery creates people to think about the other feelings that Christmas produces (like closeness to family/friends, good will towards man, etc) earlier as well. So instead of having a month of relatively high levels of these feelings, it can be argued you get 4 months of only somewhat heightened levels of feelings (but building up towards the end of course).
I mean c'mon. It's not like Christmas is any where near the coolness of Halloween.
I blame the Internet. And Canada, of course.
Traditional retailers have been losing more ground each year to Internet shopping. The number of us who are true gluttons for punishment and actually ENJOY going to the mall at Christmas is dwindling. It's so much easier to just sit at home or work or whever, and do all your shopping from there. Stores have to get the jump on the Internet by alerting people to the fact that it's almost Christmas earlier each year. I look forward to a time when the Christmas shopping season starts in early Spring.
Malls are only useful for making fun of all the idiots that shop at them, and buying presents on Christmas Eve like I do.
22/11/04 7:46 AM
Yeah, I love shopping online, but still going to the malls to enjoy the bustle and thinly-veiled rage of all the other shoppers. I feel like Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy on the floor of the stock exchange.
Christmas is the most merchandised, and for that, I love it. But there's also a strong sense of tradition, which innately appeals to me as well. It makes me happy that everyone makes such a huge deal out of it.
23/11/04 2:01 AM
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23/11/04 2:01 AM
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