This Just In: I'm Not Adopted
I've been joking with my parents for a while now that I was adopted. This view was based on the grounds that I am the only one in my direct family who has an immune disorder, a heart defect, an IQ lower than 182, and has not needed braces or glasses...until now.
I was filled in about my Parishhood by my dentist. I asked him about the 0.5mm gap between my top and bottom front teeth when I bite down, and he soon discovered that only about 4 teeth were touching when I bit down. Taking into account confusion behind my lineage, he put it to me softly. "Holy Crap! How do you eat?! You're going to need braces if you want to eat normally." Blast.
An interesting factoid I learned during this visit: Sipping sugary drinks such as coffee and soda over a 20+ minute period is HORRIBLE for your teeth. When sugars mix with saliva, the PH of your mouth decreases (making the mix acidic) and has a certain fall off time to get back to a neutral PH. Sipping maintains this acidic PH in your mouth and eats away at your teeth. Solutions for me: 1) Inject Mt. Dew intravenesly, 2) Splash hot morning coffee in my face to take in caffeine transdermally, and 3) Use Expresso Shots instead of Visene to moisturize eyes.
A life without chemical alteration isn't one worth living... better living through science, I says. To get your fix, try that Shower Shock soap they sell at Beyond that, they have a whole section devoted to caffiene, transdermally-absorbed or otherwise. YUM
You can also try diet drinks. For the reason you mentioned, I take a pack o' Splenda in my 4+ cups of coffee per day. There's a dude in our office who used to have free soda as a company perk; that stopped after he was informed he had 13 cavities. He's been on diet since, but he's *still* getting dental work to rectify the damage.
But yeah, that's nuts about the braces. You gonna get 'em? You should ask Michelle about the InvisAlign ones; better than having all that metal cemented to your teefs.
11/11/04 10:09 PM
13?!?! Zaaaam.
Don't know if I'm getting 'em yet. Apparently my benefits package is UBER all around except for adult orthadontcha (sp-whatever). Metlife apparently doesnt pay it. There's always my bags of money in my Flex spending account tho.
12/11/04 12:48 AM
It seems to me that a sizeable portion of Michelle's invisalign came from flex spending. But what do I know. She seems to have enjoyed the process (when we're not furiously searching through the trash to make sure her retainer is not in the pizza box we just threw out) as it has been relatively non-invasive. I think my nephew did it, too. Or does it. Or....yes.
Speaking of taking things transdermally, my sister in law was talking last night about some chemical she was using to give her horse topical steroids for a knee injury. Apparently, it is some kind of super solvent deal. My brother in law said that when you put the stuff on your fingers, you can taste it, regardless of your fingers' proximity to your eatin' hole. So maybe horse meds are a good way for you to get your fix.
15/11/04 7:33 AM
Who are you kidding? Of course you were adopted... you and your sister look NOTHING alike.
16/11/04 4:00 PM
Yeah, she's WAY hotter. ZAM.
16/11/04 10:58 PM
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