Building a Better Slice of Toast For Tomorrow ...morning


Homicidal Dorkdom: A Tribute To November

November is going to be a tough month...lots of things to kill these next few weeks according to my trusty PDA-Phone/death scheduler.

Hmm, let's take a look shall we?
Nov 2: Killzone (PS2) - Isolated human colony gets angry for being isolated and mutated. They make a sizeable space naval fleet out of sticks and twine and set out for revenge.
Nov 15: Metroid Prime: Echoes (GC) - Loner, hot, single, galactic bounty hunter manages to get herself into trouble AGAIN by AGAIN losing all of her power suits abilities that will need to be collected, lest the universe be destroyed (or she's self-conscious about her ass just not looking right without her Varia Suit upgrade). Obtained key item "Wave Purse"
Nov 16: Half-Life 2 (PC) - "Fleshy headed mutant, are you friendly?" A lot of mutants this month. This time you're a scientist who has had it up to, uhm, ^^^Here^^^, with mutants and you want to kill them all with your ability to perform multivariable non-linear Fourier/LaPlace Transforms in your head.
Nov 17: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) - {Original Title: MGS 3: Answering "What the Fuck Was I, Hideo Kojima, Smoking When I Made MGS2?" referred to in development as MGS3:WFWIHKSWIMMGS2 for short} I've got between now the 9th and the 17th to ram the plot of MGS2 into Mikey's stomach.

Not to mention that for my birthday (IN JUNE), I received Nightshade (From Joe), and Time Crisis 3 (From Mike), which I haven't played because the area of the world I live in can not support Playstation 2 crops due to it's high concentration of BullShitanium in the soil.

But it seems like I'm missing something here....something.....hmmm. November. Wyclef coming back in November? No. Oh yea!


Ok, so I was fucking with you. Joe and I pre-ordered our copies of Halo 2 Limited Edition from EB Games in Fair Oaks. Everywhere halo was being sold, stores had a "Midnight Madness" event the Midnight of Nov 9th. I must say I am truly proud to have played a part in this congregation of social outcasts (present company not excluded). Mike says Joe and my obsession of all things Halo pales in comparison to his obsession with video games, and I think, now that I've seen this crowd, must be somewhat cathartic to him. "I'm bad, but look at these guys." I hate judging people, but goddamn people! Every other person in line was either 1) Playing Tetris on their GameBoy Advance, 2) Playing Tetris on their cell phone or 3) Making phone calls to arrange a post Midnight Madness LAN party.

I mean, c'mon people, we're at least waiting until Thanksgiving to have our first Halo 2 LAN party.


Blogger scalpystraz said...

I don't think that was by CHOICE though, now was it Jamie? You CLOD!

15/11/04 12:45 PM


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