Building a Better Slice of Toast For Tomorrow ...morning


Newman Library: Old Favorite Place to Study

New Favorite Place to Take A Dump

I mean for real people. The can in the handicap stall of the 4th floor mens room allows for tall peoples legs to bend at a 90degree angle instead of making you feel like you're poppin' a squat.

You know it really is amazing.


Blogger Waan said...

Chuck didn't pay the water bill once so for a coupla days I had to drive to campus every time I had to shit. As an aside, I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to the janitorial staff at Derring Hall; in retrospect, it should've been obvious I was lactose intolerant.

1/1/05 7:17 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

This happened to me a month ago- my roommate (and homeowner) didn't realize you need to actually SET UP an account with the water company. He was away on travel while I was showering at the gym and taking my ritualistic night poos at Mickey D's.

10/1/05 6:13 PM

Blogger Chief Jimbo said...

What's with all this "I had to leave my house and poop" talk. I mean there are perfectly good bushes and trees around the house to go in.

10/1/05 9:12 PM


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