After listening to Sean Hannity and Mark Levin (and the entire Republican machine for that matter) call the Emergency Funding for Iraq Bill, the "Surrender Bill" (Nevermind the "emergency funding for the troops" part of it) I think we should call a spade a spade and call this veto to the update to hate-crime laws to extend protections against gay and transgender people the "BEAT GAYS NOW EXECUTIVE ORDER".
I'm a little on the fence about Hate crime laws in the first place, but to have them currently in our system and not include these protections seems a little off. "But what about my priest talking about the evils of homosex!?" Read the bill. It's about violent acts not speech. The last I heard, the KKK can still say they hate everyone.
Suck it up gay bashers. BEAT GAYS NOW. BEAT GAYS NOW.