Building a Better Slice of Toast For Tomorrow ...morning


Those Goddamn Democrats

It's been a long time since I FIFOed this blog, and it looks like a few people have come a knockin for new content.

Alas, I find myself with nothing to say. It has been a sad sad 3.607 months since "T" day (Terrorist Victory Day). You may not have known this but I took the month off before Nov. 9 to petition door to door not only for to get people out and vote "YES! YES! YES! OH GOD YES!! OOOOOH YES! IT IS SOOO GOOD YES!" VA Ballot Question 1, I was also petitioning U.S. Congressmen for a ballot initiative to reinstate FDR's Executive Order 9066. No! Not to exercise war-powers on Japanese Americans and immigrants (though their mother country's meddling in our industrial sector is a threat and they could someday take over our great nation from within), this time I was calling on Congress to amend it to replace the word "Japanese" in "Japanese Internment Camps" to "Democrat" to protect us from our most imminent of threats....Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Why? If you had a chance to stop Hitler from invading Poland would you? Have you people lost your minds!??!?!

For you insolant fools who voted these eunuchs into power, let me point out what GWB has pointed out a thousand times in the past 6 years:
A) Terrorism is Evil
B) People, no matter what their nationality, who aid terrorists are enemy combatants in the war on terror.
C) Enemy combatants have no right to clog up our nation's busy courts
D) If you are against the Iraq war, you our giving enemies comfort
E) comfort is a form of aide

A+B+C+D+E = F, Mass Liberal Detainment
This is the ONLY way to move forward and those of you who voted "D" on Nov. 9 voted for "T". The logic is simple and flawless here people. It doesn't take Archimedes to understand it. My man, the VP, the veep, the Big Dick of the Back Door to The Oval Office, set Pelosi straight on her non-kitchen-sculpted rear-end by standing by his comments saying she validated al Qaeda's strategy. Al Qaeda has their strategy, WE HAVE OURS! Adaptation is a THEORY taught only at LIBERAL war colleges.

So lock em all up. And when we do, we can turn their cozy little urban penthouses into corn crops and make all the ethanol we need to power their cozy new detention centers.

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Blogger Chief Jimbo said...

And for the record, I do think the democrats are idiots. Half of em want to pull out half of them don't. Conversely, half of the republicans don't want to be in Iraq and half of them do.

Anyway you scratch it, the will of the people is waning, but as long as we are AT war, it doesn't matter what the people think, the commander and chief can just run with it until it's someone else's problem.

26/2/07 11:58 PM

Blogger pasq242 said...

Damn, Deimos!

And I thought I was incediary.

I don't think it matters if we pull out now, because I think Iraq is already pregnant. With US babies. And I thought the Republican agenda was abstinence in the first place...

27/2/07 11:06 AM

Blogger Waan said...

Manzanar NHS is still around with buildings and everything. Google it. Kinda cold this time of year but really scenic. I can think of no better place.

Agreed with that last comment about the Dems ... "we'll put a resolution condemning the war but won't go so far as to support Murtha's bill". Maybe they're worried that their spineless non-opposition to the war in the first place will be publicly displayed if they hold GWB to a firm course of action. More likely they don't have any real solutions to offer (ya think?) and are happy to let Figurehead Number One take it in the face.

Our broad options in chosing political leadership in this country are truly mind boggling! It's like a Soviet supermarket: choose between the sawdust-leavened bread or three lumps of sugar. But not both you capitalist stooge.

As for GWB ... I'm glad the Dems are here to erode the accumulated executive power. Competition between the branches of govt is good as far as I'm concerned. He's already having to work harder for "success" in Iraq but I don't know how much of a threat they are in the long run (i.e. next two years). I get the sense that they're already losing momentum: "YEAH, WE'RE IN! LET'S, uh ... " Fortunately for them, the blame for whatever ultimately happens in Iraq will fall mostly on him--and when I say "ultimately happens" I don't mean to gloss over what has already happened: tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths, the international erosion of American credibility, and the deaths and injuries ouf thousands of Americans without a solution in sight.

If Mr. Patchett is still teaching, I hope he's still making them read The Power Game. Post-Nixon era, anyone?

27/2/07 11:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Competition between the branches of govt is good as far as I'm concerned. "

I completely agree. There is nothing more damaging to freedom than a one party system. As much as we may disagree with them, we need the dems. Kinda like how Bill Gates needs Steve Jobs so he doesn't get trust busted.

28/2/07 10:05 PM


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